Time is money. CONNEXION helps you efficiently identify the right real estate agent with the skillset you require, anywhere from coast to coast to coast.

CONNEXION provides independent third-party assessment and recommendation based on inside perspective, research and fact. A custom introduction is made for your individual needs.

Referrals are provided by CHRIS BUTRYN, LLB, Real Estate Broker.

Curated Real Estate Agent Referrals Nationwide

Anywhere You Want

CONNEXION covers all of Canada and the US, and many international locations. Being a Broker with “Canda’s Real Estate Company” Royal LePage, and a member of different private real estate groups, Chris Butryn is well-connected within the real estate community. He’s able to make inside inquiries and get you the facts whether your need someone in Toronto, Vancouver, St. John’s, Whitehorse, New York, Miami, Madrid or somewhere else.

For Personal and Professional Needs

CONNEXION refers agents for both personal and professional real estate needs. Whether it’s for a client file or family, CONNEXION can introduce you to the right agent with the required skillset.

No Charge

CONNEXION will never send you a bill. The cost is covered by the real estate agents hired in the form of referral fees. Payment of referral fees between agents is common and legitimate.


Call, email or message Chris to get connected.


Cell: (416) 318-8746